Wednesday, 18 February 2015

The ambiguity of our thoughts...

     I actually fail to understand the way our society works. I remember my mother telling me to express myself at all times and not just when the others demand it. After all, who are they to question us? Who are they to warn us? We are what we chose to be. We are brought up in different backdrops and we believe in our respective individualities. It's something to be proud of, a fact to cherish, but somehow, I feel this is where our society ceases to believe. There are certainly standards which need to be kept in mind, further differentiating the people in unreasonable sections to which they are forced to adhere to, so that they can live their life freely. What's the point if they are already bound to societal norms to live? Where does the freedom standardise itself? I pity the fact that even the word "freedom" cannot stand for itself, so who are we to publicise the openness of our society with such deceitful terms? It just gets better and even more complicated when it comes to such ambiguity, I have to succumb to. The poor thing is that it's not a matter of choice, and I, as an individual, can state that confidently.
     I know the above part is written in a respect that forces us to think in a certain direction, we generally avoid to turn our heads towards. I have seen my friends cringe over petty issues, and envy those who smile away their miseries, in a manner, that suggest their power of overcoming their emotions. They think it is a great way to hide one's emotions because they fear to be laughed upon by the society if they speak their mind. That is where the default operation comes into play. For a fact, I am bound to the society, we are a keen part of, but writing my thoughts so that they may reach the masses, is what satisfies me. I may not reach out to the majority of the jury, willing to coin their comments , regarding any event they come across, but I believe to reach the hearts who care to bother and voice what they feel. Recently, I watched a movie with a quote that stayed with me for long, stating "Pain demands to be felt". Well, it might have touched millions of hearts with a true speculation but I feel that "If what is felt, makes its way to the ones causing that pain, that is where our freedom lies." It is important for people to realise that they hold equal importance in this world, no matter, how long it takes for them to figure out their place.
     They say they have it and you don't. Have you ever wondered what you have that they don't? I hold confidence in the fact that during our blossoming years, we all have our eyes on things, we believe are difficult to capture and kept. Similarly, there are eyes on a lookout for us, who they believe they will never be able to enclose in the web spun by their ambiguous thoughts, entangling them amidst the chaos created by the society, with masses who have faith that they are the masters of time, shutting off their greased minds to the incredible ideologies, we individuals firmly state today with proofs and logic at hand. The time is now and I state here ,the ambiguity of my thoughts, with a  definite point to prove.

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